Since 1961
Become part of an inspiring and empowering community, creating excellence in Healthcare standards.

Join as a Supplier Member

EPHMRA Agency membership was introduced in 2002 and is available to:

a) to any juridical person with an international orientation engaged in market research and/or business monitoring relating to health and healthcare;
b) colleges and universities;
c) companies pursuing additional business activities such as staff recruitment, though it is a precondition that the main focus of their activity must lie in the field of health, healthcare or business monitoring.

Membership is corporate covering all affiliates and the HQ office, with the same company name. EPHMRA does not offer a membership that covers country offices or regions.  Membership is approved by the EPHMRA Board according to the Association statutes. Agency Membership fees are linked to the number of pharma/healthcare market research employees world-wide. Fees are increased for the next membership year on 1 October each year by the rate of inflation.

Employee Definitions

Your membership application is based on the number of pharma/healthcare market research executives you have working for your company across all your affiliates/offices and sites.

By employees is meant:

Executives working in pharma/healthcare market research from the most junior (eg graduate trainee) to the most senior (eg President, CEO, COO, Chairman etc etc).

If the executive works only partly in healthcare (as well as in another sector) they must be counted in the pharma/healthcare market research employee numbers.

Part time employees can count as a half person, contract employees should also be counted.  If you list executives on your web site to indicate they are part of your team/resources then these should be counted.

Not included in the pharma market research employee head count - the non Executive MR type functions:

  • Interviewers
  • Freelancers used who are not permanently employed/on contracts
  • Secretarial/Receptionists
  • Administration/Operations/Finance
  • Field department

Applications must be made at the correct employee level and all applications will be checked by EphMRA eg against sources published, Yearbook entries etc. If companies apply for membership at the incorrect membership fee level then the Board will consider suspending the company from membership of EphMRA. For any free services offered by EphMRA your membership level must cover the number applying eg free places at IMM, free Code training).

Those applying for the membership level of 1 employee must be one-person companies only. The membership is linked to the person applying for membership only and is not transferable to another person/name. Thus you cannot apply for this level of membership even if you are a company with just one person working in pharma market research - you need to apply at the next level. This is for single person companies/consultants etc.

Important note about Membership:

Membership is corporate and relates to one single company name covering all affiliates and the HQ office, with the same single company name. Membership is linked to this single company name and only one company name can be used in the Association, eg if company ABC Ltd owns/runs/operates Company CD and Company FG (each with a different name, albeit a slightly different name) then each company must apply for its own corporate membership for these names to be used. If an Associate Member company changes size during the membership year/changes name then a new application must be submitted online.

Membership Year - The membership year runs from 1st October to 30th September the following year. If you join in February you will need to renew your membership on the 1st October the same year. Fees are not adjusted according to the time of the year when you join.

Membership will be automatically renewed at the end of the membership year. An invoice for fees will be issued in the month of October unless you have cancelled your membership by having given 6 months prior written notice [this would be in March] so as to leave at the end of September. If you do not receive your invoice in October you need to contact EPHMRA by November.

Cancellation letters and emails must be acknowledged by EPHMRA to be valid.

Members can use the EPHMRA Associate Member logo to denote membership only. The name 'EPHMRA' or its Association logo or full name 'European Pharmaceutical Market Research Association' must not be used in any context by an Agency Member without prior permission.

Membership Fees

How many executives? Cost (CHF)
Up to 3 2755.28
Up to 15 3562.27
Up to 50 4272.30
Up to 150 5742.86
Up to 250 11,479.66
Over 250 21,081.73

There is also a membership for a single person company: CHF 1424.10 – get in touch to discuss.

Payment : On receipt and acceptance of your application an invoice for the membership fee will then be issued. Membership benefits start when the invoice is paid.