
The Anatomical Classification of Pharmaceutical Products has been developed and maintained by the European Pharmaceutical Market Research Association (EPHMRA) and is therefore the intellectual property of this Association.

EPHMRA's Classification Committee prepares the Guidelines for this classification system and manages new entries, changes and improvements in consultation with pharmaceutical companies. The contents of the Anatomical Classification of Pharmaceutical Products remain the copyright to EPHMRA. Permission for use need not be sought and no fee is required. We would appreciate, however, the acknowledgement of EPHMRA Copyright in publications etc.

Users of this classification system should keep in mind that pharmaceutical markets can be segmented according to numerous criteria.

The EPHMRA NFC Committee maintains an international uniformity of the coding structure for the audits and the databases. It is also important that the classification system remains consistent, easy to understand and simple to use.

Anatomical Classification

EPHMRA's Classification Committee prepares the Guidelines for this classification system and manages new entries, changes and improvements in consultation with pharmaceutical companies.

New Form Codes

The main objective of the NFC is to maintain an international uniformity of the coding structure for the audits and the databases. It is important that the classification remains simple and easy to understand.