Learning and Development Committee

Learning and Development Committee
Name Organisation Name Active on which committee(s) / board? Board/Committee Role
Marcel Slavenburg SKIM EPHMRA Board, Learning and Development Committee Board Agency Member, SKIM
Alexander Rummel Aurum Research GmbH Learning and Development Committee
Lara Lucchese Bristol Myers Squibb Learning and Development Committee
An-hwa Lee Genactis Learning and Development Committee
Hilary Worton APLUSA Devices and Diagnostics Group, Learning and Development Committee
Karen Belentani Takeda Pharmaceuticals Learning and Development Committee
Ben Walker Adelphi Group Learning and Development Committee

Committee Objectives

The Committee supports the international healthcare research community and strategically underpins ephmra's aim to inspire and empower members to influence decision through expert advice and insights to help drive business performance to gain competitive advantage.

Specifically the Committee is:

  • Setting the gold-standard
  • Meeting the needs of the evolving skills set
  • Delivering training and opportunities for best practices
  • Supporting ongoing development.

The LDC offers various training programs and initiatives to advance skills, broaden knowledge and support understanding of key areas within the healthcare field.

Webinars are free to members. Webinar recordings and presentations are available afterwards in the Resources section.


Other LDC Resources

L&D Previous Training Courses

Log into the Resources section and find the recordings and slide decks from previous courses and workshops organised by the Committee.

Publications (Resources log in)

EPHMRA Checklist: For managing a research project. A handy guide from the LDC. Includes a guide to selecting a supplier of syndicated data - from the Syndicated Data Committee.


1. Managing a Research Project

This publication has been developed to give guidance to both pharmaceutical company market researchers and agency researchers, as to good practice in running research projects. 

2. Research through the Product Lifestyle

This particular guide has been designed to cover the Product Life Cycle. It is not meant to be a fully comprehensive manual, but a general guide.
This document (formerly called Strategic Guide to Identifying and Researching the Influencers on Pharmaceutical Prescription Products) was originally researched and compiled in 1996 by two members of the Committee, plus representatives from two agencies.
Included in this document is a chart which is designed to be a practical guide to illustrate the main groups of influencers on prescribing a pharmaceutical product. It also highlights the types of market research projects that could be conducted during the life cycle of a prescription pharmaceutical product. We do not suggest that every influencer and market research approach needs to be contacted/conducted for every situation.

The wall chart only shows influencers and market research up to one-year post launch; however, it should be assumed that similar post launch issues apply throughout the full product life cycle, although to a greater or lesser extent. Soon after launch, close monitoring is called for. Later in the product’s life cycle the research programme will depend on, for example, whether the product is to be relaunched, repositioned etc.

This document provides more information and attempts to clarify some of the issues involved. Within the document a summary table shows what type of market research could be conducted using the different groups of influencers as a sample at each stage in the product’s life cycle.