Data and Systems Committee

Data and Systems Committee
Name Organisation Name Active on which committee(s) / board? Board/Committee Role
Vijay Chand Alexion Classification Committee, Data and Systems Committee, EPHMRA Board Board Industry Member, AstraZeneca, Classification Co-Chair, D&S Chair
Markus Lyga Merck KGaA/Merck Serono Data and Systems Committee
David Marcoux Servier International Data and Systems Committee
Rhoda Schmuecking Ipsos Data and Systems Committee
Sarah Bickley IQVIA Data and Systems Committee
Cihan Kurt Bayer Pharma Data and Systems Committee


Ensure Data & Systems provide the best suitable platform to do international secondary market research through partnership with the major global providers.


Committee Chair is Vijay Chand of AstraZeneca.


  • Regular meetings with core providers like IQVIA to discuss their data & systems offerings (quality, reliability & service associated) and main development pathways (meet business data requirements, address changing market dynamics or make the best use of latest technologies). They represent a key communication channel between global secondary data providers and international secondary market research functions from pharmaco’s. Secondary data quality & coverage issues are also discussed during those meetings. In that perspective the Committee has a special focus on audits integrated on IQVIA international databases.
  • Share experiences & best practice in international secondary pharmaceutical market research area using any type of data: sales, medical or promotional.
  • Identify current unmet needs of international pharmaceutical market research.

The Committee consists of pharmaceutical international market research representatives and core representatives and decision maker representatives. Project teams may be formed to address specific needs and other providers may be invited to participate whenever appropriate. The Committee always welcomes new members from the pharmaceutical industry to enlarge its knowledge & experience sharing.

Find out more about the Committee's work in the 2022 Committee Poster


12 to 15 industry members are the optimum to ensure good coverage of business needs, to maximise the sharing of experiences and to still allow open and constructive discussions with our Committee partnerships with IQVIA.

Committee Membership is restricted to EPHMRA Industry members, a limit of one member per company. Seniority within a company is not an issue – all we ask is that members have a wide knowledge of IMS data & systems on an international basis (where international means more than 5 countries).


The Committee meets twice a year. One meeting is organised within the frame of the yearly ephmra conference and usually lasts 1.5 days. The second meeting is a one day interim meeting usually taking place in the first quarter of a year. The location for the interim meeting varies depending on the host.