The EPHMRA President's Award for Contribution to Healthcare Market Research
In 2001 EPHMRA initiated an award which was first presented at the Athens 2001 conference. This award is a recognition of a person's outstanding contribution to healthcare market research.

Both Industry and Agency members can make nominations and then vote.
The award recipient can be from a pharmaceutical company or supplier/agency and will receive the award based upon:
- Having made an outstanding/recognisable contribution to EPHMRA
- Having made an outstanding/recognisable contribution to healthcare market research
Examples of such a contribution are:
- New technique developed
- Strengthened the role of market research in pharmaceutical companies
- Done much more than agreed and contracted
- Representation of EPHMRA to other associations or organisations
- Strengthened the role of EPHMRA
- Lifetime achievement etc
The award recipient will receive a certificate plus a small memento.
Award Winners
Since 2001, 24 people have won the award - see the distinguished list of names.