Fieldwork Forum

Fieldwork Forum
Name Organisation Name Active on which committee(s) / board? Board/Committee Role
Chris Fenn Beyond Blue Fieldwork Forum
Marina Deiana Fieldcare s.r.l. Fieldwork Forum
Clara Reza Hall & Partners Fieldwork Forum
Sarah Bennett Just Worldwide Fieldwork Forum
Clare Hopkins Just Worldwide Fieldwork Forum
Frank Desbuquois Medicys Limited Fieldwork Forum
Fabio Musumeci Survey Healthcare Global Compliance Team, Fieldwork Forum
Virginie Collet Zeste Health Fieldwork Forum
Kate Shaul Adelphi Group Fieldwork Forum
Volker Balk Ayesda Bio Fieldwork Forum
Marcus Chen Genactis Fieldwork Forum
Rachael Attoh Dynata Fieldwork Forum
Mo Rice SHG (Apollo Intelligence) Fieldwork Forum

The Fieldwork Forum comes together to discuss important issues for data collection company members.

Screener Design and Best Practice: November 2017 - new guide produced by the EPHMRA Fieldwork Forum in collaboration with BHBIA - updated 2022.


We are delighted to draw your attention to the 2017 (being updated in 2022) Screener Design and Best Practice Guide, produced through a collaboration between the EPHMRA Fieldwork Forum and the BHBIA Fieldwork Forum, with a view to raising standards across the whole healthcare market research industry.

The guide is intended to act as a reference aid for those designing/implementing screeners to meet their research needs whilst avoiding unnecessary fieldwork complications well ahead of the point of fieldwork going live.  The aim is for this Guide to support you in your daily work.

Please do have a read and let us know if you have any feedback.