13 September 2022 | 15:00-16:00

13 September Expert Panel - Focus on Conjoint

An expert panel discussion for experienced researchers, to exchange experience in handling, designing, analysis of CM (including models). It will be technical with some practical aspects, e.g., how to overcome complexity, limitations in number of attributes and levels, what to do with ill conditioned designs, minimum sample sizes for sub group analysis with orthogonal designs.

Members Only - Register here



We will have four major topics for discussion:

-Building virtual patients with conjoint

-Conjoint designs for small sample sizes, i.e., for rare diseases or market access work

-Conjoint used in pricing research

-Expectations and limitations of conjoint designs

During the discussion we will dig into the methods more deeply after having presented some impulse charts leaving enough room for exchange and discussion with the audience.

The panel discussion is aimed at experienced market researchers who want to improve their knowledge on conjoint measurement applications in pharmaceutical market research

Aimed at: Experienced market researchers who want to improve their knowledge on conjoint measurement applications in pharmaceutical market research.

13 September 2022 | 15:00-16:00


photo of Alexander Rummel

Alexander Rummel

Aurum Research GmbH, Managing Director
photo of Richard Goosey

Richard Goosey

Research Partnership, Director, Head of Analytics
photo of Remco Don

Remco Don

SKIM, Director
photo of Dawn Palace

Dawn Palace

Adelphi Group, Senior Vice President
photo of Joe Jones

Joe Jones

Adelphi Group, Quantitative Scientist