Dear Colleague - EPHMRA is dedicated to continuously developing the Code of Conduct.
Members provide us with a lot of comments and feedback on the Code, which is very welcome, as it helps us with this development.
To enable the Ethics Committee to be able to give the comments received due consideration we are opening the Code Consultation period. In preparation for the 2023 update all members are invited to submit comments until 1 April 2023.
The Code update is aligned with the membership year and the updated version will be launched before the end of the 2023 membership year.
These next 4 weeks is the time when you can submit your comments as we will then be working on a revised and updated Code of Conduct.
The Ethics Committee will review your feedback and take it into account as far as is practical and appropriate within the updated Code.
Please send your comments to
If you refer to specific parts of the Code please reference your comments to the Code section and paragraph.