EPHMRA Panel Discussion - The Future of Work:Life Balance

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Apr 25, 2022

We have 5 fantastic panellists for the EPHMRA panel discussion on The Future of Work:Life Balance.

Our session will focus on these changes and the impact they have on people and organisations.


5 May at 12 noon – 13.00 UK time


LDC: Lara Lucchese, Bristol Myers Squibb and Marcel Slavenburg, SKIM

  • Anja de Caux, Professional Co-Active Coach, ZS Associates
  • India Williams, Associate Director, Market Research at Bristol Myers Squibb
  • Caroline Saner, Developing Talent at Backbase


Register here for the Zoom meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpcOuhqzgpHNMeBsjpNM-xtdsbiD49SSe5

Any questions just reach out to the EPHMRA team.

All best wishes