The Awards recognise the amazing work our members and colleagues do. We want to hear about your successes and give you the opportunity to share them with the membership in 2022.
Members and non-members are invited to enter the awards to showcase their work and earn the recognition it deserves.
The deadline for submissions is 28 February 2022 and winners will be notified in April.
Choose from 3 Award categories:
- Making a Business Impact (sponsored by Adelphi)
This is to showcase how a market research project has made a difference to a company strategy, what impact it has made, and how it has moved the business forward.
- Innovative Approach (sponsored by AplusA)
This Award is to recognise new and innovative ways of working and their impact on a business or project.
- Future Leaders – Case Study Award (sponsored by Blueprint Partnership)
As a Young Professional, if you’ve been working in healthcare market research for 5 years or less we are looking for your submission which focuses on one, two to three MR projects you have played a major role in.
In your submission please outline the projects, their objectives, and what you learnt in terms of your own professional development from being involved in these projects. Further details on how to enter can be found on the web site here and our members will help to assess and judge the submissions independently.
Please contact with any further questions.
Good luck with your submission!
Best wishes EPHMRA.