Sam Halbert

03 Jan 2023

For our March News please do send us your company news

Dear Colleague(s)


Happy New Year and we hope you had a good festive break.


For our March News please do send us your company news - about people or services you would like  to announce. 

We produce our news in pdf format for the website - and we have over 2500 contacts on our international healthcare market research database. 


Take a look at previous news here -


Member News

Agency Members can include one piece of News for free: 50 words max (increased from 30 words) plus photo/logo.


Member Articles

In addition we are encouraging companies to submit articles for publication – these can be on any topic you think the EPHMRA audience would find interesting. There is no charge for these articles but it's an offer only available to Agency Members of EPHMRA.

Each article can be one A4 page long and supplied ready formatted as follows:

No bleed 297mm x 210mm

With bleed 307mm x 220mm

Type Area 277mm x 190mm



If using photoshop or software dependent on resolution please ensure that it is set at the correct size and that the resolution is set to no less than 300dpi. Finished artwork needs to be supplied

in CMYK with embedded fonts, or text should be converted to outlines/paths and supplied as an EPS. Print quality PDF files are also acceptable.

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot be held responsible for any misprint, if fonts are not embedded/converted and the file is not in CMYK.



Apple Mac



Quark Xpress, Adobe Illustrator, Freehand, Adobe Photoshop


File formats

Graphics should be supplied (CMYK) in the following formats EPS, TIF, JPEGS and Print Quality PDF files.


Interested? Then please get in touch as soon as possible with your topic outline and we’ll let you know if we can include it. The final article needs to be designed (by you) and ready in a pdf format by 31 January if your article is accepted. Previously featured articles can be seen here -



The price for paid adverts remains at:

- a half page advert is just 150 swiss francs

- a full page advert is just 275 swiss francs


These are the two advert sizes now offered and included is a hyperlink to a website from the advert - please provide this website address.


Please send all contributions to